Saturday Chat

I wanted to become better at creating a regular posting, so I hope that this series called “Saturday Chat” will be a time of weekly updates with things I have been thinking about and how may week has been in general.

Thoughts: This morning when I woke up, I became very stressed and got into a bad mood very quickly, for almost no reason at all. I couldn’t tell you what caused it, but no matter how much fun I had last night, some days you just wake up and you’re not okay for some reason. There is really nothing you can do or anyone can do for you, but it’s just a part of life. They aren’t the best days, but they’re normal. I saw a video of a famous Youtuber, named Zoella, who posted a vlog where she felt very overwhelmed by her life and it inspired me. “Famous” people are still people who have bad days, too. Zoe had the guts to share a video with her viewers to show them that her life isn’t perfect and everything can all get to be a bit too much. I know how she feels because I think that was how I was feeling this morning. Below is the video if you care to see how she articulates her point of view on these kind of days.

What’s new: I graduated Immersion Discipleship last night!! That is such a big stepping block for me. I can’t believe I am going off into my future after this. ID was a beautiful journey for me and I don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t gone through that process. I found myself in Christ. I am redeemed, loved and accepted. I am sad to leave the comfort of this program, but I am excited to step into real adulthood.

Screenshot 2014-06-28 22.27.52

Blessing: After graduating, a bunch of my good friends from high school who came to the ceremony and I went out to dinner at Montage in downtown Portland. I was so ecstatic to see friends that I haven’t seen in a long time since a majority of them were away at college these past two years. There was not one moment that went by where I was not smiling since I got to hang out with them at dinner. I got to hear what was going on in their lives since they heard what I had been up to. My friends blessed me because they accepted me for my true self and didn’t choose to walk away because of the path I have chosen. I could not be happier.Foto 4

Prayer: Please pray that I would still get sponsors. I am not where I need to be yet with monthly support when I am in Germany. Also, please be praying for a possible summer job position for me because I would love to spend some time working this summer to make some extra cash for the big move. It’s coming soon!!!

Have a listen: A few days ago, I came across this song on Pandora. It was such a beautiful prayer and song. I love the words he uses; very poetic. And the music is beautiful as well.

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One thought on “Saturday Chat

  1. kallisuks says:

    Bless you’re sweet heart.
    I love the honesty that is to come with these Saturday chats. ❤

    ps. THAT SONG.

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