Tag Archives: one day

Saturday Chat- July 5

Happy 5th of July, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful 4th with friends, family and fireworks. I attended my town’s traditional fest in the middle of Canby. “General Canby Days” has a long-standing reputation in my mind filled with wonderful memories of glittery halos, water balloon yo-yo’s, elephant ears, dunk tanks, parades and obviously lots of candy. It seems that in the past couple of years, the number of people in attendance and the number of booths available have diminished, and it seems to keep getting smaller and smaller. This day was always the day where the ENTIRE town came and you would get to see friends from school since school was out of the summer. Yesterday was the first time where I only saw a handful of people I knew! Less then half were people that I graduated high school with! I was a little heart broken because it was a reminder that people grow up and don’t always stay to live in the town most of us have called “home” for a very long time. Nevertheless, I had a wonderful time hanging with some of my good friends. We ate, we watched the parade, and we sat in the park listening to some good ‘ol tunes as children danced in the grass. Continue reading

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