Tag Archives: transformation

Curiosity Killed the Cat.

Did you know that this is one of the wisest and true proverbs ever written? Originally, it was written for just literate spunk; thank you Ben Jonson and William Shakespeare. Later, it was transformed into “Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.”

Sadly, this is so true. Think about it…. Alcohol or drugs. Alcohol is a mystery to people who have never experienced its powers. Teenagers long to be under its spell. It makes some curious. However, excessive use and abuse of it can kill. Yet the satisfaction of its power and addiction brings people back.

From a Christian standpoint: Sins makes us naturally curious. Ever wonder how you found yourself in an addiction? Curiosity. Young boys and girls who are curious about their bodies and sexuality find themselves 10 years later addicted to pornography. Sin, as the Word teaches, leads to death. Curiosity leads our souls to death. Yet the worldly satisfaction of whatever it is that kills us, keeps bringing us back.

I know this to be true in my own life. Somehow something will pop up in my mind, usually out of no where, and I become curious and think, “You know what, I don’t know a lot about that… let me just look into it for educational sake.”

This is the biggest lie I have and will continue to tell myself. Because I know that once I do whatever has caught my attention, I will be locked in its arms.

Thankfully, I serve a God who sees the deepest and darkest parts of my past, present and future. He still forgives. He still heals. He still transforms. And He still loves. 

Man, we’re blessed. Can I get a Hallelujah?

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